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Everything posted by Spartan-Lead

  1. Lol thanks Mashman....I think? Just thought I'd add to you comment "uncanny environment awareness" and say that while watching demos you can not see if the commander is spotting the enemy or if the UAV is up. As far as the instant kills I'm not sure about that...wish you could be standing over my shoulder as I empty half a mag at a person with no kill to show for it. I love when people cry hacker when it takes a burst to kill them but when I have a shootout with them.....nothing is said.....it's callled being a good shot. Though we do take pride in are pubbing skills we're just middle of the road when it comes to twl and cal matches, we're just some of the best pub whores around I guess lol.
  2. Sorry guys I do appreciate all your help but now the clan admin is telling me to post a link to the issue at hand http://www.ferociousbeaver.com/forum/viewt...f=49&t=6908 and for this admin to please PM him you will see him asking you to do so in the thread. He is saying I keep returning the SAME ONE screenshot over and over???? His name is dwill. Sorry and thank you!
  3. Great! Thank you Ice Man I'll relay this info and keep you posted
  4. Thank you Lucky! Can you also please post a link as to where I might find Evenbalance support for bf2 I've googled it but I don't see where I must go for help. Thanks again
  5. I don't know if they are black or not? What he did mention is that he got several shots of my in game map or something? I don't know how the whole screenshot process works like taking a pic every couple seconds or whatever but I do look at my map a lot while I am playing so is it possible that he is getting good screenshots? And IF my screenshots were black how is it possible that you cannot give me a solution? If it's a bug in the PB capturing system why can you guys not fix it?
  6. I have manually updated my PB but I am being told that I am STILL getting bad screenshots, why is this happening to me and how do I go about fixing it as I am temporarily banned from the server until the issue is resolved! Thanks for ANY help.... ~Spartan-Lead
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