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UF Renegade LTG

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About UF Renegade LTG

  • Birthday 05/15/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Alberta, Canada

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    The United Front
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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Well I'm so glad you can afford to do all that, some of us have better things to do with our time and money.
  2. So basically what you're saying is that in order for me to use this service I have to pay for it?! Why should you care that I have "the ability to play from it and run personal applications". Which, by the way, I don't. Any server, yes even those at datacenters, have the ability to play the game and run personal applications, they just don't. Oh, and don't say you're sorry. Because you said "I am sorry but...". When there's a 'but' involved, you're not truly sorry. So cheers to you to, I hope the people with more money than I have enjoy your service. EDIT: Any person can appear to have multiple players from the same IP be on one server at one time. I can go play on another server with all the computers in my house at once if I want, and they will all have the same IP.
  3. I don't play the game with my server, however it is behind the same router, therefore giving it the same IP. I don't see why a server has to be located at a 'known Data-Center', it's not any less of a server just because it's in my basement.
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78992 According to that post, my application was denied because my server has not been deemed a dedicated server? Just because I host my server myself doesn't mean it's not a "server running a program that acts as a hub for clients to connect to for the purpose of interaction". I host the server because I want to save money and I have the ability, I'm not some kid running a server for kicks. I'm trying to start up a clan (or restart, actually) and I'd like to stream these bans, I don't see why I'm any less deserving of the abillity than people that pay to rent their servers.
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