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Everything posted by Osovich

  1. I'm afraid we do not have enough motivation to persuade ForTeam reinstall the servers. After all ports on the monitoring display properly, example: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ambush...
  2. Strange, I added these ports, if: 11031 and 11021 How can this be, that there have been quite different? p.s. Where BFBC2 master brovser, there is a link? :) p.p.s. In the account are displayed with the correct port: http://account.pbbans.com/server.php
  3. I did not create a new topic, ask here. Servers are added to the streaming, but inactive. Settings, follow: Account TotalBF Community Servers: and Show you what can be a problem? Thanks for the reply.
  4. Sure the best way - is to combine the presence of admins on the server and automated way.
  5. This is commendable and deserves the thanks anyway. But imagine the situation you are in the server and see a player whose behavior may indicate the presence of cheats, PB did not bans, but the screenshots you can not see. Yes, it may be banned after a while, but the game on the server it is already spoiled. p.s. Big request to you. You can continue to express their thoughts more simply, I do not know very well English. Thank you.
  6. Demos from a 3rd person, I agree, not very useful, first-person would have been much more interesting. But even from a 3rd person demos is not useless and can show the fact of the rapid emergence of a player after his death, in the absence of wallhack spot, etc. But this is offtop, conversation in this topic for talking about screenshots. Yes, I can say that there are workarounds screenshots and I say this from experience administering BF2 servers, but nonetheless screenshots PB is one of the methods of protection and very good
  7. Future releases is undoubtedly good, but I would like to have seen something in today's. Strange that this has not been decided before the release of the game, it's all the same that produce a car with no brakes and then during the operation to try to attach it to the braking mechanism, which is much harder and more dangerous for those who use this machine. Unfortunately there is no choice and it remains only to hope, but this does not get much easier.
  8. Sorry, no screenshots, no record demos, free camera is not how to deal with cheaters? Bad that DICE leave this problem without a solution, at the moment.
  9. No information, when the screenshots on the servers will work fine, but do not give a black picture?
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