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Everything posted by bigfeetbigmeat

  1. is there a way for my to get acess on here that i can see peoples clan guids? we are streaming to you guys but we are still getting hackers we getting alot of people lately coming in for 5 mins just short enough where it gives no screen from pb of his name or guid so we only get his name and we come on here and his guid isnt on the ban list because hes never been caught yet i have the name of the guy who crash it last time and i am 1000% right on this becauuse he spammed in big letters and colors back to the desktop nooobs.....hacker community.com like that so i checked the screen shots hoping pb got a shot of him for his information but nuttin so i only have his name
  2. i am looking for an thing that can help me against hackers, anything to spot them quicker and easyier in the server something for the screenshots or there guids or if really possible something to be able to look at the black screen shots any programs or information will be very helpful lately theres be hackers coming in and crashing the server when its full and then no one rejoins bc the hacker crashed it and i can never spot theses guys with pb screenshots so anything will be very helpful thx
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