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Everything posted by tasty

  1. Sweet as..thanks guys.
  2. is the server listed there yours or theirs ? --- The server listed is theirs. They left the clan and took their server. We need them removed as admins for The HoBos. I want to add our new server but until they are removed I don't want to as they will have access to it. Is the clan tag theirs or yours? ---The Clan tag is mine Will they be applying for a new account or should you? - They should change their clan name to their new clan i.e. AK101 We have a new server that belongs to The HoBos and need to set that up for streaming.
  3. Thats right ...They were admins of our previous server and have left..we now have another new server and need to get set up for streaming. Thanks..I'll get him to post
  4. Hi.. We previously had a server that was streaming that was owned by 2 ex clan members. They recently left (under good terms) and are using that server for their new clan. We now have rented another server. The problem is that when trying to register for streaming the two ex clan members are still registered as admins for our clan i.e. our clan tag is taken. Is there a process that will allow us to have them removed as admins so we can take it over?
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