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Everything posted by NU-KE

  1. so sorry while making this reply i saw what i was doing wrong sorry for the false alarm.. aw man and while making this one i saw that i can now edit. so sorry guys im new ..wont happen again
  2. Server is already streaming that is what it says all the time i try to add this server to my server list..its my server and i have tried to add it many times....thanks for the help.
  3. ok not a problem .. ill keep checking in ..thanks
  4. HELLO i was told by ice man to contact Duality or any other admin and also that you guys will be able to help me with this..thanks ill keep checking in.
  5. i tried sending a couple of pm's but i guess you did not get them here is the only roster i have. http://www.xfire.com/clans/awcgamers/roster/ this is the most up to date...roster i have of the clan...anything else please tell me..thanks.
  6. any info you need u will get..i dont have anything to hide..i really want to just get them hackers banned from the server...my members keep complaining about them ..a lot..thanks..
  7. Last time i had a member that was banned...that member is now gone...how do i contact an admin..on this so i can explain to the admin a lot more..about this..if they do need more explanation..thanks. the main thing is i want no hackers on the server...i have caught a few..but its pretty hard to catch them..without you guys..helping out .
  8. i have tried to make an account already and i was not approved...
  9. A member of my clan created an account ..without my permission...I never knew that you had to register on pbbanns ...to get all of that neat stuff..anyways his account was suspended from pbbanns for hacking and kicked out of my clan ...i have a dedicated box and only one ip...i use that ip to create a couple of server same ip diffrent port...now i cant get rid of hackers on any of my servers...anything i can do...im the one that pays for everything ..everything is mine...and he had no right to register on this website using the ip i got with my game server purchase..
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