Clearly you've misunderstood my post. First of all, I didn't suggest not using GUID's for bans. For the exact reasons you stated. I simply stated an appeal policy should be in-place for instances where a ban was issued in error. Evenbalance has NO appeal policy, they simply do not make exceptions, or so they state. Are you seriously going to make the claim that no one has ever been banned due to a mistake, either due to human error or design flaw? Are you seriously going to say that a system which rely's on monitoring packets from such a dynamic system is incapable of making mistakes or that the software that monitor's said data is flawless? Listen, I'm a software technician, and I can tell you for a fact, no software is flawless. Ever.
Also, it should be noted that the MBi listed on this site has an appeal policy. Why have an appeal policy if mistakes never occur?
GUID spoofers don't exist? They claim to, but you're correct I have no interest in trying one. Have you? If not I hardly see how you are qualified to state unequivocally that they don't work.
I know for a fact that my clan-mate never used a bot. I also know for a fact that you are wrong that cd-key's are impossible to generate. LOL, you must not know much about encryption algorithyms. Essentially those keys are generated using the same concept as an encryption algorithym, and all algorithyms can be broken given sufficient time and desire to do so. I also know that true key-generators, which do in fact generate real keys using the same algorithyms used by the software developers do exist. If keys can be generated then statistically one would stumble upon a key which is currently in use, by blind chance. Since GUID's are based on CD-Keys, this would result in a person being banned. I am unfamiliar w/ a key-gen for cod4 but, due to my profession, I have seen any number of key-gen's used to create keys on machines for softwares that are much harder to break (you should see the keys used by Adobe's software, if that can be broken anything can). Not something I, or anyone I know would condone, but trust me, it is happening.