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Everything posted by the_minds_eye
A thought occurs to me. If you are so certain that GUID spoofers do not exist and could not result in a ban, that the algorithm which is used to convert cd-keys to GUID's is unbreakable... then surely you should have no reason to fear posting your GUID here in this open forum for everyone to view. You won't post your GUID, for the simple reason that it would be insane to do so. Because deep down, you know there is a chance someone might be able to use it, and you might get banned. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Clearly you've misunderstood my post. First of all, I didn't suggest not using GUID's for bans. For the exact reasons you stated. I simply stated an appeal policy should be in-place for instances where a ban was issued in error. Evenbalance has NO appeal policy, they simply do not make exceptions, or so they state. Are you seriously going to make the claim that no one has ever been banned due to a mistake, either due to human error or design flaw? Are you seriously going to say that a system which rely's on monitoring packets from such a dynamic system is incapable of making mistakes or that the software that monitor's said data is flawless? Listen, I'm a software technician, and I can tell you for a fact, no software is flawless. Ever. Also, it should be noted that the MBi listed on this site has an appeal policy. Why have an appeal policy if mistakes never occur? GUID spoofers don't exist? They claim to, but you're correct I have no interest in trying one. Have you? If not I hardly see how you are qualified to state unequivocally that they don't work. I know for a fact that my clan-mate never used a bot. I also know for a fact that you are wrong that cd-key's are impossible to generate. LOL, you must not know much about encryption algorithyms. Essentially those keys are generated using the same concept as an encryption algorithym, and all algorithyms can be broken given sufficient time and desire to do so. I also know that true key-generators, which do in fact generate real keys using the same algorithyms used by the software developers do exist. If keys can be generated then statistically one would stumble upon a key which is currently in use, by blind chance. Since GUID's are based on CD-Keys, this would result in a person being banned. I am unfamiliar w/ a key-gen for cod4 but, due to my profession, I have seen any number of key-gen's used to create keys on machines for softwares that are much harder to break (you should see the keys used by Adobe's software, if that can be broken anything can). Not something I, or anyone I know would condone, but trust me, it is happening.
In regards to how the key was lost, we don't even know that it was. Evenbalance only states that the GUID was banned and will provide no other information (it took quite alot to even get a confirmation that it had been banned at all). Its fully possible, as I stated, that the GUID may have been randomly spoofed as part of a multi-hack or that there may be no credible instance of 'cheating' but simply a mistake on the part of PB servers or software. Although I do admit it is certainly possible the CD key may have been stolen by a spyware. I have found numerous posts from ppl stating that they had their cd-key stolen by a spyware application and subsequently banned. I can, of course, offer no assurance that any of these posts were legitimate however. As I stated, we have no access to information (as evenbalance will provide none) on how or why the GUID is globally banned... only that it is banned.
If you please, allow me to address your responses out of order. First, your response that the product has not been damaged. This is incorrect. To be a ranked server one must run PB and tournaments are only held on ranked servers. Also almost all major clans run PB to secure their RANKED status. Thus for participation in clan or tournaments, both of which may be a part of the reason a player would consider purchasing a product, pb is required. By being banned from PB you no longer have this option which for some players makes the game essentially useless. Even setting this aside you have cut the number of available servers and thus the functionality of a player's game. Using the car scenario this is like me stealing your radio, you don't need it to drive but you'd still be angry w/ me for stealing it rt? Next the claim that I am inciting spam. Incorrect. Spam is an unsolicited email, I only asked ppl who feel they have been wronged by evenbalance to voice their concerns to the public representatives of said company. If no one issues complaints regarding a product they feel is faulty or flawed then said issues will never be corrected. In this case my concern is their lack of ANY appeal policy. Does the MBI not have an appeal policy? Why then does evenbalances global ban list not have an appeals policy? It seems to me that we all agree on this point then? Next the implication, though indirectly made, that my clan-mate did in fact cheat. I know this to be incorrect however I can understand your skepticism. I think one should keep in mind that a part of most multi-hack is GUID spoofer. What GUID's do you think that these products spoof? Generally they have broken the algorithm used to generate GUID's and therefore randomly generate valid GUID's. Eventually, by sheer probability, a hacker using said product would stumble upon a GUID which a person validly uses. With me so far? Then that person is banned due to no fault of their own. Another scenario involves spyware known to steal information such as CD keys. These CD keys are what GUID's are based on, again resulting in a person being banned due to no fault of their own. Another scenario could be simply that the system misinterpreted the data being fed to it, erroneously determining that a dropped or corrupted packet was part of an attempt to fake-out PB. Or it could be as simple as an error on PB's server or w/ their software. If you're telling me you think software is always flawless then you must truly be naive. Finally, the idea that this is not the best place for this post. You are correct, unfortunately their is no better forum for issues of this nature. Evenbalance has literally closed problem tickets entered on this issue without bothering to enter a response. The responses they have bothered to provide to our emails have been simple canned responses that don't even attempt to address the issues presented to them. If a small group of wronged individulas are to be ignored then perhaps it is time that they are shown that it isn't just one or two ppl. Perhaps this will encourage them to reconsider their policy regarding offering an appeal policy, much like many ban lists do. If after posting on a number of forums they receive no significant response then apparently issues like I describe are rare. If this is the case then no-harm beyond a clan-mate being required to purchase another copy of a game. If there is a large response then they may begin to rethink their policy. I know I haven't addressed your statement about "why here". The answer to that is far simpler, because I found your forum while trying to find out more information on evenbalance's ban's through a google search. If I encountered your site this way perhaps others in similar situations will do the same. Hope this addresses your primary issues w/ my post.
Two things, A) I've not been banned. My clan runs a server which runs PB (ludicrously inefective but REQUIRED for RANKED servers) one of our members was banned for no reason. They claim his GUID (based on his cd key) was used to cheat. A, they have no proof of this, B they do not care to resolve the issue as obviously they have closed my trouble tickets w/ NO RESPONSE (it hasn't just been given no respone, they literally closed them). The requests numerous members of our clan have made on our clan-mates behalf have gotten a response which is clearly canned (a pre-prepared response). part B) of my response to your response is that you purchase software w/ the implied assumption that the provider, and by extension any organizations they associate with (evenbalance) will not INTENTIONALLY DAMAGE YOUR PRODUCT and force you to buy another one. Look at this another way, if I lease you a car w/ the provision that you will be the only driver and then someone steals your license plate and puts it on a similar car and runs a redlight. I then impose a penalty on you for violation of our contract, claiming that you let another person drive the vehicle breaching our contract. You did not in fact let another person drive the car, they simply stole the license plate. You would have a legal right to contest any penalties I might impose on you correct? And lemme tell you, you would win said case easily. Come on, think or at least bother to fully read the post.
If you were globally banned by www.evenbalance.com and you know you have never cheated this is the post for you. Were you banned because your GUID was spoofed by a hacker, your key was stolen by spyware, or due to negligence on the part of evenbalance.com? Its time to make yourself heard. Drop and e-mail to evenbalance's generic representatives at [email protected] or representative Glenn Courington <[email protected]>. Below is the e-mail I sent to evenbalance to give you some ideas. Spread the word, if you post this message on a couple forums and others do the same perhaps those of us who have been wronged by evenbalance's Draconian tactics may be able to get a fair chance.