Server I.P:
I'm an admin awaiting approval as a user for this server. I'm using this account to post, but have access to the manager's account also.
I've set up our server twice using the FTP method, which is actually a webbased tool supplied by the server provider for uploading files.
The account shows as streaming (color coded light blue).
We see Bans happening on the server they look like this in the Chat log of BF2cc: [buffer] §c1001|PBBHub|§c1001 Player §c1001_cz_ wolfisis (4c620e83)§c1001 banned for §c1001MD5TOOL (9002)§c1001
I'm able to change the greeting message for each player who joins using the $current_player options.
It "seems" everything works....
Yet when I type: exec pb_sv_uconlist into BF2cc (using the c:\ button) to verify streaming, I do not get the proper response.
Which should be:
PunkBuster Client: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]
PunkBuster Client: 1 1 pbbanshub
PunkBuster Client: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
I get nothing just the command shows up in the upper pane of the log panel of BF2 cc.
I also get no response when trying to determine the version using the line: exec pb_sv_ver
Is our server streaming?
Do I need to log in with the orginal Rcon account given by the server provider? Or can these commands be sent, and be exectuted, by anyone with "full admin" rights in BF2cc?
When we rebuild the server we recieve no bans pasted above. Yet as soon as I upload the two files to the server, issue the pb_sv_restart command, we start seeing bans. I assumed it was just a BF2cc Glitch (not recieving the streaming varification), But now I'm beginning to wonder after reading about seeing bans from other servers.
Sorry for the lack of insight, I'm just trying wrap my head around all of this....
I appreciate any help in this matter...
PS. We've used the "update PB" option in the tools provided by the server host company. So it should be the latest version of PB, on the server.