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  1. Hi Benway cheat guru, I dont think you understand what i said. He didnt just put a name into my gametracker account like u say. He did hack into my gm traker account because when i went to his profile to send him message, i dragged my mouse over his name n it showed my private login name that noone knows except me. I copied n pasted off my gametracker profile page showin him changing my name to griffin sniper bot n then i seen it few days later n changed it back to my name!! But this page wont let me paste it here! Where can i paste the text?
  2. Ok, Everson thx for takin the time to reply. If you read my post, you would have seen that my ss prob. is fixed. Sniperbot texed in game that he has friends at pb. So it's not my imagination, just telling you what i seen!! As far as that botax person telling me noone hacked into my computer, that's not true. It was sniperbot cuz like i typed in my 1st. post, i went to gametracker to post a message to sniperbot and when i dragged my mouse over his name and profile, it showed my gametracker login name! So there's the proof rt. there, also seen my exact profile on db bfv server n when i tried to join game my profile looked like this **MoonWolf**_0. While his looked like my normal profile which is **MoonWolf** Enough said! Have a nice day, sry that my 1st. post didnt have seperations Hope i did better now! Btw, i was wrong about him giving me a virus on pb exec., My new anti-virus treated pb file as a virus. But im not wrong about all the other things i mentioned.
  3. Some of u guys are just gettin off on seein urself replyin to one another instead of reading all i posted, hm i read it back all the way n it didnt hurt my brain. Calling eachother your my hero n stuff tells me your not tryin to help my situation. Cant one of you just read it thru all the way n without complaining about it? Im not paranoid either so keep your personal opinions to your self. No optimizer prog. or anything else hijacked my cdkey except sniperbot but i think ur just avoiding the obvious, maybe some of you are friendly with him n wont dare take a stand against a hacker like him. But thx to 1 or 2 of you that offered a little help to me. Im thru posting on this since you people arent gonna look into it.
  4. ok, im sry bout not posting with paragraphs, punctuatoins etc. I had a 30 day trial anti-virus that expired shorty before this happened. But like i said, he hacked into my pc n cd key n gave me a virus on my pb exec. file. Obviously you didnt read all of it or mb you did but didnt get it. i said my ss prob. was my internet speed, not a prog. or hardware issue. If u dont ban him then what ru goona do bout it? Just let him get away with it n try it on others? He typed in game text that he has friends at pb, mb thats why you seem reluctent to investigate this or reassure me that youll look into it. thx magnet for your help, i folloed ur advice n im not getting pb kicked nomore. How bout what i said bout him hackin into my gmtracker profile? You want me too copy n paste where on my gm tracker profile it showed me supposedly adding his profile or changing my name to his which i would never do? cmon guys, are you protecting him or you gonna give me the benefit of the dought? You want solid evidence? Why dont you go to db server n request a log of all the dam tkes he n his tkin buddies did to me? I mean why cant you give me assurance that youll atleast look into it n not just critisize my typing?
  5. Thats all u got 2 say? How bout reading it.
  6. Hello all you honest bfv players out there! Im also hack free n just a goos shot. To start with, ever since i bot new pc in 2008, ive had admins tell me im blockin ss when they try 2 take them of me. Starting with clan admins [ hhk] jessica wabbit n helokiller. I was still green bk then n still learning bout how to run n manage a pc. I asked them how do i unblock ss process n tried everything but she told me, until i unblock them from talin ss. im perm. banned. I tried disablin my anti- virus n other firewall settings without sucsess. So i went to other servers n got same response. I thought it was cuz my new pc with vista was the issue but it wasnt. This went on for a long time n been accused unfairly from players n admins alike till bout 6 montha ago. I posted a trouble ticket with evenbalance who did help me resolve the problem. They told me that it was my internet connection speed. So i looked at bfv browser n remembered how i picked 56 k modem for a speed cuz i didnt know the difference from the choices. I thot well since i got a modem that it was rt. one to choose. Well i made this choice when i got new pc in 2008 n the first pc i bot was used from a pc repair friend of mine who chose the correct speed for me n i didnt take notice of what he picked. Anyway i chose the one on bottom that says lan-3 1 mb. n its been fine eversince. My former clan m8 RR rock who is a member of pb bans like he told me said, he wasnt able to take ss of me n i was temporarily kiked from his team, which i dont blame him for doing. So after i fixed inter. speed issue, his streaming pb stopped auto kiking me for blocked ss. Just wanted to clear my name with this long story. But in 2008-2009, i was banned by sniperbot from griffin. Every time i wud try 2 join griffin server, it said i was banned perm. by punkbuster n so i posted on there forum n sniperbot posted with a lie sayin he gave me 10 min. ban only. Then i posted on evenbalance with trouble ticket n they tol me i wasnt banned by pb. n it was a local ban from that griffin server. This was the 1st. time i found out what a hacker snipbot really is. So other griffin guys told me sniperbot banned my cd key n i shud just by another bfv game which i reluctantly did. Then recently i was admin at scw n he n his mean trouble starting friends came on scw n was smurfin with disrespectful names like moonpiehole n other names badmouthin my wife's name. Then gm ended n i went to db bfv server n they followed me over n kept trask talkin n disruptin my gm play n repeatedly tked me like 100 times! Section 8 was there witnessing there banable actoins too. So i left db n joined an mt bfv server n sniperbot aka sundog joined me there n took a ss or snapshot of me. So i got suspicious after he just was hating on me with his friends who were also tkin me over n over, btw they went under names frack n diablo who i later found out was former ecc guys. Frack aka ecc gunzilla n diablo i think was eccklug who disliked me alot when i was ecc mem. plus they stick 2gether like glue. Anyhow, i went to leave server after i noticed a inter. conn. window popped up which i think was caused by ss of me. Then upon disconnecting it said corrupt data message! So i went to gametracker to search sniperbot out to send him message n when i dragged my mouse over his profile, it said my profile login name for my gm tracker account. Then noticed that night, while searching for a server , on db he was usin my exact profile name **MoonWolf**. So i joined server n itshoed my name on my screen like this : **MoonWolf**_0. Then rt. away he typed in text, ban thi moonwolf guy, proving 2 me that he hacked into my pc n now is goin around on bfv server's with my name n prob. my ip address too, idk cuz im not a pc brain or hacker like him. Too rap this story up, i noticed after joining a server, a player whom i think is him joined server usin my street address for a profile name which must be sniperbot the hacker cuz noone else new my home street add. Ive sent priv. mess. on gmtracker to griffin players who told me they wud frward my message to griffin admin budd buster. Just today i google free anti-virus prog. n d/l it n ran a scan n it sais i had a virus on my pb exec. file which i then removed. So i tried joining tko server after that n the prog. said the virus reappeared n i removed it again. Now thx to that scumbag sniperbot hacker who gave me a pb virus, i keep getting kiked from pb rt. after i join any bfv server. with pb initializatoin failure message!! This 21 yr. old hackjob needs 2 be punished with a perm. ban from u people n also kiked n perm. banned from griffin clan!!!
  7. hello pb staff n adins n all who view this topic,my player name is moonwolf, i have several things to mention here,1st is ive recieved a pb issued perm ban on griffin bfv server. ban was to be a 10 min. ban but somehow pb issued a perm ban on me! even griffin admins are clueless on how pb did this to me,im a 47 yr. old honest player with no intention to hack,just a very good shot in mi-8,wuts goin on here? isthis some new pb thing? mistake or wut? if u peeps banned me with no proof of hacks then u need to unban me immed. im not happy n even typed a trouble ticket to pb n still waitin for a reply, 2nd,bfv hhk server admin claimed i was blockin her[jess wabbitt] fromtakin screen shots of me, n banned me permanently from hhk. im still new to pc n dont even know how to block ss,nor wud i need too, i have nuthin too hide from anyone!ever since i purchased n installed evga 8500gt graphics card is when she accused me of blockin ss,so i tried to cooperate with her but she didnt help me n left me out in cold, hhk ban happened april of 08. since then many players have com on to griffin callin me a hack! this is bs, if anyone knows about vista blockin ss, let me know cuz im sick n tired of bein falsely accused of hackin. i tell peeps if i was hackin pb wud catch me long ago! but they still think im a cheat. please help me resolve this crap n put an end to me gettin a bad rep, thx- moonwolf.
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