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Everything posted by desolo

  1. Try submitting a ticket to evenbalance direct then. I'm running Windows XP Pro SP3 x32. Maybe it might not be fixed on Vista, or maybe I'm just getting lucky for now. I'll be checking again over the next couple days.
  2. Okay, it looks like they've fixed the problem. I've been playing for about 20 minutes with the Comodo AV and Firewall running. If I get kicked again over the next couple days, I'll update.
  3. Okay, update on this situation: I opened up a Support Ticket with Evenbalance, and the first note I received was to "Fully uninstall or fully exit the firewall, as it injects a dll that in turn affects the API that PB does not allow." Five minutes later, I received another note stating, "The kick should be gone. Try playing again and reply if it kicks." So far, I've been able to play about 10 minutes fully exited out of Comodo (including stopping the cssurf.exe process). In a little while, I'm going to turn on Comodo and check it out.
  4. Hrm, Avast can detect, but it hasn't been very good at preventing/removing. I just dealt with the headache of getting rid of Avira, and I'd rather not have to clean my reg again. I'll wait a couple days and hope this gets fixed.
  5. Is there going to be a fix to this anytime soon? Comodo is the only AV I'm willing to use after poor experiences with Avira, AVG, Norton, McAfee, and ZoneAlarm. I'd rather not have to choose between playing CoD4 and having a decent AV that won't break my computer because it didn't properly update.
  6. I'm getting kicked for an "unknown windows api function 131107" error. This started happening only after I installed Comodo Internet Security, and only on a modded server (82nd AB). Is this something I'll need to take up with the server admins, or is there a specific thing causing the error?
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