Ok, so i started playing CoD 4, a year ago or something like that. I was playing on some random servers, and then all of a sudden, when i was trying to connect to one of them i get the message:
"Angrist [ser] PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'Angrist [ser]' ... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN f3196936"
I ignored it, and connected to another server. After a few months i stopped playing cod4, but had no ban problems on other servers i was playing on.
And today i tried to connect on some serbian cod4 servers, and i get the same message, written above. I tried to change mi nick to Ash [ser], but i get the same message, just angrist changed to ash etc.. What can i do to unban myself? Why did this happen, i wasnt using any cheats, or anything of that kind? Can someone please help me with my issue.
Thanks in advance.