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  1. Good to know thank you and Now I am just waiting for admin approval on my new server. Thanks Epinephrine
  2. Name = Retards Rollin' Deep Tag = =RrD= also I need to be able to add my bad company 2 guid If im not mistaken. Ill be getting the server up and streaming a few min after this post. if there is anything elce you need just ask.
  3. the server I am wanting to stream Is battlefield bad company 2. Since I have had a server my teams name have changed and we no longer play battlefield 2. will I have problems if i set up streaming for bad company 2 without having my bad company 2 account verified. if so how can I get a admin to remove my team from my account and let me get a new team?
  4. o no i just took that server off we are getting rid of that server. thanks for reminding me of that
  5. i cant see if they are streaming yet because the servers im trying to get streaming i think i have it right but they are waiting admin approval
  6. Dont know why but it says i am not a streaming game admin. I have 2 servers that stream. but are waiting for admin approval. but i have had server streaming in the past why was my status changeD?
  7. im sorry to say that you were using foul language in the server and c4 jumping. as said in the ban message it will only last 1 week. this is our clan and server policy. sorry if this is bad to you in any way. we did and will not say you are a cheater because you have never cheated and there is no proof of that. just explaining why you were banned. also for future reference pbbans is not the place to argue about a server ban best place is the website like you did for us and xfire. have a great day
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