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    Image Gaming
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Hiya! We have a dedicated box and have been streaming. Unfortunately there was a major hardware failure and the box is being moved to another server at the same host. The IPs will be moved over so everything matches, but it might be a day or two before its complete. At what point will I be moved out of SGA admin to basic because of this issue? Will I be ok, or will I have to reapply?
  2. I have installed b3bot, but I have a dedicated host. Besides, Gameservers have been nothing but laggy for us, so we dropped them. Just ask them, sometimes they will do it, but most wont. If you are a US based team, there is one out there that will do it for you. If Euro based, KillerCreation will do it for you, and they are VERY solid.
  3. Wow, thank you for that. I was so sick and tired of scrolling through players to get the one I wanted.
  4. I can appreciate the fact that it takes work on the admins part to stream, but I thought the whole goal here was to eliminate the cheaters as an organization. Just because the team is new should not mean a definitive denied application due to lack of forum activity. Read the news post. We will be playing TWL, CAL, and Cevo. We are currently playing in EnemyDown. http://www.enemydown.co.uk/clan.php?id=59309 All those require individual AC clients so that should also help determine that we mean business. Seems to be a catch 22 doesn't it? The leagues require streaming to PBBans, but PBBans denies us due to lack of longevity (since we are new) but in order to not lose interest in competitive gaming, we need to play in leagues. Our old website and forums had more activity, we just released this new site on a new host this last weekend. Also seems to be a catch 22.
  5. Sorry, had that typed and must have pressed submit right after you did. Whats the definition of basic forum activity?
  6. The link to our application post: http://www.imagegaming.com/index.php?site=...;announcement=1 Note that it asks about any bans and that we will run all applicants through the player index and MBI. If we are denied for lack of forum activity, I guess that won't happen. http://www.imagegaming.com/index.php?site=news Additionally, the leagues we will be playing in require us to be streaming. I have listed them with their respective anti-cheat clients so you can see we are serious about this. How can we accomplish these goals if we are denied right out of the gate?
  7. I recently applied for my server to be streaming and will have multiple servers streaming but was denied to lack of forum activity? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=81718 Are we serious? Image Gaming is new competitively, and I am getting it off the ground. The leagues we will be playing in is TWL, CAL, CEVO, EnemyDown and PBBans streaming is a requirement for these, yet I was denied because of lack of forum activity? How many members and posts will be required before streaming can be activated? Can you explain to me how little site activity on a newly released site translates to a denied application. I am just trying to understand since streaming in the past wasn't this difficult.
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