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Everything posted by SoD_Scorpion

  1. Ok, it just that he is the main User Account, but it is no longer part of the clan, and not to provide us the password! Grateful for the help! ||SoD||SCORPION (co-lider) He left the server and the server is as leader
  2. How do I delete an account that a User is no longer part of the Clan? The User has the register of our server, was banned for more upar their leveis! I need this account is deleted!!!! This User is cheating us, will prevent users from using our server, we had to turn off the pbbans. I need to make new account in pbbans, with new leaders. Please delete our account which is on behalf of |SOD|Crudelis this bastard is no longer part of the clan, and we gave the password to change settings pbbans. Thank you already, and sorry for my bad English! Grateful Here is why the User has been banned from clan. He is listed below. Look for | SOD |Crudelis www.sodclan.com.br||SoD||SCORPION
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