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Everything posted by Furyseb

  1. Hello, I finally got to drive my server clanforge. Thank you for all the assistance provided. I just wanted to point out a small error in the guide to clanforge (bf2 BF2142) or must be added (exec) to the line. If some people do as I do ie copy paste, it lacks a "exec" in front of the line -> pb_sv_USessionLimit 8. Thank you again
  2. Hi, Voila I realized that from the beginning I returned lines pb_sv without "exec" in front. I repeated the operation with I think the good lines but it was a manip to clear before the earlier lines or so to go further rewritten over the old ones. Another question: I have a non-ranked server that runs AIX mod. That one can not be streamed because it is not pure mod, correct? Best regards
  3. My first server works fine, it is ordered by BF2CC. for my second server I followed the same principle via clanforge but it did not seem to work. Maybe this is a problem with PB or I who am not good lol
  4. Thank you for your reply. My server is controlled by Clanforge. I once again returned HUB lines in the console. Hopefully it works
  5. What I am saying is that to add my second server I have added to manage server (enter the lines of code in the ftp) then save the changes in manage server. It appears in red (server is not streaming). Will I forget something?
  6. Hi, I have a server stream, I would like to add another. I add in Account Manager - List Server but still nothing. Should I wait or do something. Thank you in advance Best regards
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