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Everything posted by .:EvL:.AphroDite

  1. I would also like to be added to the repository. I have taken all of the necessary setup steps. Rep Game: Sof2MP Clantag: |Ds
  2. Hub Game: Sof2MP Clantag: |Ds
  3. Ok now we are showing on the list but in pink not blue...?? Is that not what I did at the begining of this thread? ****{Server 1 IP:}**** ****{Soldier of Fortune 2}**** ****{www.deadsexyclan.com}**** ****{|Ds}**** <--This is what will show on the MSI ****THE GUID CAN BE OBTAINED BY OPENING THE GAME AND TYPING: pb_myguid ****{AphroDite|Ds 50da8bd1}**** ****{Wootang|Ds 9a138521}**** ****{Lappy|Ds e110f5be}**** ****{AphroDite Ds}****
  4. Thank You! I've done this already...is it not working?
  5. Is this not the area we request help with streaming issues? If it isn't please direct me to the right area because I am seeing more and more PB SS's come through the server that need to be added to the ban list.
  6. ****{Server 1 IP:}**** ****{Soldier of Fortune 2}**** ****{www.deadsexyclan.com}**** ****{|Ds}**** <--This is what will show on the MSI ****THE GUID CAN BE OBTAINED BY OPENING THE GAME AND TYPING: pb_myguid ****{AphroDite|Ds 50da8bd1}**** ****{Wootang|Ds 9a138521}**** ****{Lappy|Ds e110f5be}**** ****{AphroDite Ds}****
  7. Ace was nice enough to help us get our server streaming, thanks again. But, the infamous but, since we began streaming our server is lagging....terribly. Anyone who could be of any help please let me know. [email protected] is my msn THANKS!
  8. YAY we be streamin! Thank you for all of your help mrx and ace...you guys rock!
  9. Thanks for the help mrx! Can ya tell me if everything is a go?
  10. Yea I don't have access to that area either =( I've tried to get my server to stream and just couldnt figure it out. Someone gave me a cfg to stream and it lagged our server so bad it would go down anytime someone tried to join. If someone would help me get it running smooth, lagless, I'd be Streamin!
  11. Exploitable?...does this mean it is used to prevent other program exploits in game? If so how do you use it? What is the appropriate number to set? I mean it was easy to tell people turn off your msn pop-up messages when in game but what happens if its a program you use for the safety of your computer? Like anti virus software......
  12. I have a player who keeps getting kicked for this violation in our server but she can join and play in any other server. Is this something in my cfg? Or is it something on her end?
  13. Just an FYI...I saw SFA/**]V[E**/L in a server informing Heretic of all the info posted about them in here. Maybe useless info but thought I'd let you know non-the-less.
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