i have several servers for my team and some ohter for customer.
3 weeks ago my main call of duty 4 server was hacked, players could fly for example ....
I noticed before that someone (his name was always something like VIHHT or USTDUS or OJGHOLGH etc...) was always like trying to connect to my server but always stayin in 999 ping.
So I changed my rcon password, and since it has been perfect on my server(s)
Tonight I had a look on my servers, amazing 2 guys with same type of name on 2 different servers and still with 999 ping after 10 minutes. I connected by rcon tool on both server, amazing these guys have the same IP address... I have my hacker
so please find above the 2 pb guid of this bastard :
b3f51cfc3274f4126454d11353639b0c YQTVILKG
3ab30906000a5fa3e949d36a39934061 FGPGYAPO
I am [bE]Bibiche (leader of French "Boulets Experts" team),
Xfire : cbib46
all IP of my servers (and customers ones) begin by