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Everything posted by jims-in

  1. Sorry HSMagnet if I wasn't clear, I know there is some kind of colour adjustment tool out there that can be detected. Ok thanks guys, It appears none of the Anticheat sites consider this a bad thing and only an enhancement to the graphic of the game. Would be interesting to know how many players use it, or might be better of asking how many don't I bet that be a shorter list.
  2. There's no way of knowing anyway is there or stopping it.
  3. A hack/cheat you mean?
  4. Hey Guys Has there been any more info on this FXAA thing? What are the thoughts of you all on this? Should we allow players to use it on our servers? I've not used this at all TBH but a member has posted on my site that it's a cool thing to have, I would like to have a definate answer on weather it should be allowed or not.
  5. Has PpBans been somewhere??? LoOoL only joking, Welcome back guys. good to have you back and running.
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