I am having the same issue playing BF2, but only at an HBD (hosted) Ghost Town server( I do not use hitfixer at this server as I know it is not allowed. This is a new problem for me. I have played there many times before. Perhaps this is a temporary problem of some kind? That question being posed I would like to "fix" whatever item(s) are causing me to get kicked with the error message. Disallowed Program/Driver. [119500].
I run Battlefield cleaner v2 on occasion. It did not help resolve the issue. Neither did re-installing PunkBuster.
PS: I use HP PC with wireless mouse and keyboard. I will be happy to supply PB ADMIN with dxdiag and/or MSINFO information if it will be of use. As far as I know ALL componets are up to date, even PB.
PSS: Yes, I have BF2CC and Freaks Network.