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  1. but whenever I join the server, it crashes all the time says "Georg attempted to overrun string in call to va" I don't do anything but it crashes and says my name, always Georg?! What am I suppose to do? Any solutions? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi guys, Yesterday I was kicked once for the same reason and Today as the second time, I was kicked for the reason : "Georg attempted to overrun string in call to va" (Georg was my nick in the game while playing) And also server that I was playing on crashed What happened? I don't know I wasn't cheating or hacking but I was kicked and server gone...later few mins server came again What does "attempted to overrun string in call to va" mean? What am I suppose to do? Thanks in Advance
  3. ok, I reinstalled PB and PB Services its done..thx for the info...
  4. thx for the reply I uninstalled PB..but PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe are still in system32 Do I need to uninstall them in safe mod? And if I uninstall them, will PBSVC.exe install them again? Thx in Advance
  5. Hi guys, PB kicks me for the reason "Ignoring Md5tool Queries...for 2 mins" what does this mean? I am not using any cheats or hacks but it kicks me what am I supposed to do? Thanks in advance
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