...is a sign of resignation!
its not of "old" videodrivers. it of old punkbuster developers who need a refreshment of their knowledge.
black screens are in most cases caused by vista64 users.
its not a matter of the os-configuration or the videodrivers. its a punkbuster issue which is still not solved yet.
afaik from experience only xp32 and vista32 ppl have no issue - except they really use real old drivers.
since black screens are pretty often false detections, black screenshots are no evidence anymore.
maybe the community should make pressure on evenbalance so they finally begin to fix that "OLD" bug they still have for years meanwhile! maybe pbbans may start it?! keepin in mind that false detection may compromise the validation of the database. of course not speaking for all detections but for those who took black screens as evidence.
my 2 cents.