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  1. Exact :rolleyes: il me l'on d
  2. Aieeee :o et y'a un plan B ??? On peut recommencer une demande de stream ? :unsure: euh je suis paum
  3. Par contre le co-leader de la team vient seulement de me dire :blink: qu'il a effac
  4. [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_MsgPrefix = PunkBuster Server [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_MaxDlRate = 4 (1 to 4) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_MaxConDls = 1 (1 to 6) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_KickLen = 2 (0 to 60) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_CvarFreq = 6 (2 to 10) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_CvarLogging = 1 (0 to 3) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_CvarWalk = 1 (0 to 4) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse = 99 (10 to 99) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse = 99 (10 to 99) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_CQC = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] Unknown Command/Setting: pb_sv_LogSync 0 [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsFloor = 1 (1 to 999999) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsCeiling = 100 (1 to 999999) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsCmd = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsWidth = 320 (10 to 4096) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsHeight = 240 (10 to 4096) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsXpct = 50 (-1 to 100) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsYpct = 50 (-1 to 100) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsSrate = 1 (0 to 4) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsDelay = 0 (0 to 60) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_SsPath = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom = 60 (30 to 300) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AutoSsTo = 1200 (300 to 1500) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AutoSs = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_ssLogging = 0 (0 to 3) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_ssTimeout = 0 (0 to 1200) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_Sleep = 60 (20 to 100) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_PowerMin = 10 (1 to 1000) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_PowerDef = 1 (0 to 10) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_PowerKickLen = 5 (0 to 60) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpPort = 0 (0 to 65535) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpAddr = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpRefresh = 30 (10 to 999) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpKey = ***** [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpMaps = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_ScoreKick = 0 (-20 to 0) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_ChangePeriod = 999 (1 to 999) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_ChangeMax = 1 (1 to 50) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_DupNameGrace = 0 (0 to 90) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_ExtChar = 1 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_GuidRelax = 2 (0 to 7) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_RconReload = 0 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpMapsPath = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColText1 = FFFFFF [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColText2 = 0000FF [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColBack1 = 000000 [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColBack2 = 808080 [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColLine1 = FF0000 [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColLine2 = 0000FF [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpColMsg = FF0000 [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_HttpShowGuid = 0 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_Restrictions = 1 (0 to 2) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_FileWhitelist = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_EmptyName = 0 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_LogFloor = 1 (1 to 999999) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_MinName = 0 (0 to 4) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_MaxName = 0 (0 to 31) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_LanMask = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_Lan = 0 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_UpdateGrace = 600 (300 to 4800) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_NoGuidGrace = 1 (0 to 300) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AliasFn = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad = 0 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AliasMax = 0 (0 to 99) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce = 0 (0 to 1) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_LogUser = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_LogPw = ***** [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_LogAddr = [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_LogPort = 24389 (1 to 65535) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] Cvar List (in Memory) has been Emptied [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_USessionLimit = 8 (0 to 16) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_UConTimeout = 300 (60 to 6000) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate = 16 (1 to 128) [09.10.2009 17:15:34] PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbhub1" [09.10.2009 17:15:34] Attempting to resolve master7.evenbalance.com [09.10.2009 17:15:36] Resolved to [] c'est
  5. since some days my waiter is not any more to streamer, I however put in day with automated hub setup but anything to make help me please :( Server IP *I translated on web* thank you very much
  6. Je viens de d
  7. Ah ok merci, je regarde et je te tiens au courant. Merkiiii beaucoup
  8. es ce que vous pensez qu'il faut que je refasse une demande de stream ??? c'est vraiment pas cool, j'ai fait un don y'a quinze jours et l
  9. Oui j'ai bien mis
  10. Merci pour vos r
  11. I applied of account management, the first one refused because the forum not not visible etait by the guests, we therefore made what is needed and now they refuse my second request because it is necessary that I install "Roster". I does not understand, my ancient team was streamer but do not have to roster just a list of the members as us, I thought that she would be enough... :( :( :( Svp I need you they already have a hackeur which comes on the waiter everything in evenings, we wait pbban with impatience thank you in advance and having grieved me translate on Internet http://team-m3dik-bf2.forumactif.net/memberlist.forum
  12. J'ai fait 2 demandes d'account management, la premi
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