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  1. Well i have to say this already helps more then the DENIED appeal button without more info. So thankyou very much :) We know what to do now. :) Gonna let my friend contact Activision
  2. Hello to all First of all i dont cheat and hate cheaters myself and am very grateful to evry community that supports anti cheat. But like in evry story sometimes people get punished while they did not violated the law. To tell the story shortly. I speak as spokesperson for my friend because his english is not as good as mine. *Dutch is our mother tongue* What is the problem? http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...&game_id=27 This ban is our problem as you can see we live in Belgium - Europe and my friend has always played fair and square. About a week ago he has had an trojan on his pc which he removed with his antivirus programma. Suddenly he got the *You are banned blaat blaat message evrywhere he tried connecting to servers* After some investigation by myself *because i hate cheaters myself* i came to the conclusion that pbbans and evenbalance itself did ban an cheater but the person who cheated is an American living on another continent in sunny Florida and besides cheating he is probaply also an person who is into a branch called Electronic crime. In short i do want to appeal this ban because the evidence that you have provided states clearly that the *REAL* owner with coupon etc. etc. who has never cheated in his life has become victim of an electronic crime person and cheater. I mean evidence states clearly that Aht1 is an belgian person living in Belgium - Europe *Houthalen-Helchteren* to be more presise. The fact is also that he is the *REAL* owner of the banned guid and key. The person who violated and obvious cheated has used Aht1 his key to cheat and lives in America - Florida. If you take the global tool called Google Earth you would see your self that Aht1 could never been the same person who cheated because of the fact that the 2 points are some 1000 miles apart from each other. If necessary Aht1 is willing to allow pbbans and evenbalance to investigate this matter. I mean with this that he allows to let his computer/hosting company/proof of being the real owner etc. etc. examined by pbbans/evenbalance. In the end the community is the victim of crimes like electronic crime and cheating and in this matter the victim Aht1 who plays fair and has spend a lot of money to play an game fair and square in an honest community is the REAL victim of this crimes because he gets punished by the person who commited the crimes plus he gets punished by the community where he stands for while not even have done anything wrong himself! Hopefully somebody can help us on this matter. We are 100 procent certain that pbbans is punishing the wrong person in this matter. And are willing to give anything necessary to proof that Aht1 is a clean player! So if somebody could investigate this matter proper please help in this matter! Anyways if he was the real cheater like pbbans and evenbalance says. Why does he lives in Belgium and the offender in America? Why whould we try to clear his name while the easiest solution is just getting another key etc. etc. etc. I would say think about it. But i think that in the end the fair person gets punished and the offender gets away and just simply continues with what he is doing and i really beleaved in an Clean Community for the Clean Community! Thanks at front Btw proof that we could give already *we dont know what other proof is necessary to claim it is not the same person!* Aht1 his ip: http://i44.tinypic.com/2q06ngl.jpg The person who cheated his ip: http://i42.tinypic.com/2zg9smb.jpg Proof of being the real owner of the CoD4 game and serial *srry is in dutch but hey its an official store coupon!* http://i44.tinypic.com/6f9tdz.jpg More proof necessary ask what is necessary and we will fulfill. Ahti is clean and is an victim himself!! Sincerly GougeAway aka SqueeZer CL Carpe Diem CoDe| Belgium!
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