damn i feel so owned tbh..
But your sure it are 2 people using it?
Cause i dont reinstall cod4 when i format my pc
i just let it run once and add my cdkey via ingame menu, also i got a totally new pc a few weeks ago, wich i just putted my data disk in (with cod4 on it)
so this means ill have to buy a new key soon then :?
or is there anything i can do about it cause the key belongs to me?
anyway ill flag that as not cool and ask my guild mate if i can use his guid to register the server.
Also i think i should start scanning with my virus progam xD
I wanted to add my server to the streaming list so i applied for a account on the page.
so i added my guid and everything, Then i check the forum and it it was denied cause my cd key was leaked?
Thats kinda odd cause i paid for my cdkey and i dint give anyone it so idk how come.
Please someone tell me what to do
sorry for my bad english.