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USP00P last won the day on December 22 2011

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About USP00P

  • Birthday 06/18/1978

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    Pittsburgh, PA

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    Universal Soldiers
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    Battlefield 4
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  1. Like I said it was just an example. And you're correct, there are alot of pissed of BF3 players that probably put the game down and probably moved on or went back to playing something else. As I look at server listings on various sites, referring to Battlefield series games, I see BC2 is still holding on pretty strong still for some people.
  2. This was just an example, not necessarily what I was aiming at. But if they did do something like this then I'm sure they could just incorperate new maps into what's already there instead of making people buy something else. I do feel that EA\DICE does owe the BF3 community something without having to spend more money to bring the population it once had back. Most servers that are out there are ran by clans and other organized organizations. I feel EA\DICE should offer us something free of charge that would significantly bring the population back. Because including our clan, we all were victimized in beta testing all these patches after the official release of a game that wasn't by any means ready to be released. I think personally, if EA\DICE reworked this game into being a client interface instead of a browser game, and eliminate having to download, install, and use origin to login which logs you into battlelog, that would bring some players back. Simplicity for the novice user is the key. I love the game and love the graphics on the B2K expansion. But I don't love it enough for our clan to keep paying for servers that stay empty due to EA\DICE screw ups. Whether it be client, server, or backend issues. It's just not worth it.
  3. Couple other notes I forgot to post. The Back To Krakand expansion, the tickets shouldn't start counting down before the round actually started. Second, browser gaming was the wrong way to go. Why couldn't DICE just keep it more simple for the user to just have an actual program client like the BF2 and BC2. I hate having to run extra services on my PC just to play a game. Yeah, I know you can close all the other stuff once in a server. But if you want to go onto another server, then you have to open all that crap back up. I'm sure many will agree with me on this. I think EA\DICE are going to have to do something drastic to get the BF3 community populated again like it was in the beginning. Preferably have to put out another map expansion pack.
  4. As this quote from a fellow clan mate of mine posted is true as stated above. The primary reason was because of our servers crashing and trying to keep our servers populated which is so hard to do after the R16 patch. If our servers crash anytime between the release of the R16 patch and the 1st of January we are cancelling at least our 2 U.S. servers. As time goes on, I see less people playing BF3 and tons of empty servers that used to stay full around the clock. DICE made a huge mistake by not fixing the crashing issues first and worrying about fixing the weapons that everyone was complaining about. The majority of people would like to see the game not crashing, clients and servers, first instead of worrying about a RPG killing a tank in a few hits or nerfing the IRNV scope which totally ruined that scope by the way. <<<< Just an example. For future reference, keep your priorities straight and fix the client\server crashing issues first and worry about all the other bs later.
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