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  1. if this really works, let me try what u did ! XD i hope i can play asap!
  2. the msg is that: PB important: global GUIN ba02flf0 something like this.. i have changed the cdkey in the erge already. but it still shows this msg!
  3. i m wondering if this link(Get CDKey from EA Link: http://www.ea.com/ealink/index.jsp ) is still working or not because it does not link me the site directly.. it actually links me to http://www.ea.com/games !
  4. i think there is improvement in my situation. the cdkey manger provided by maydaX show my cdkey a korean symbol on the right hand side of the code!@@( XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX K) , but it is not until i type the code that it changes to strange codes again! <_<
  5. it seems that my problem is similar to what EUSoldierOne faces. i add x9392 to the end of ergc and try to use mayda's cd key manger to modify the cd key, but it doesn't know function. it says my cd key is invalid!
  6. i dun understand what it means. i am from Hong Kong! also i tried a new account. it was as well not functioning -_- if it doesn't not function, i will have wasted HKD$349!!
  7. i follow the procedure to reinstall the PB(http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_li=&p_sid=34PUmOuj&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0xNzQsMTc0JnBfcHJ vZHM9JnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3B h Z2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PTIxNDI*&p_faqid=14628&p_iid=0&p_created=&p_prod=&p_cat=&p_cv=&p_pv=&p_prods=&p_cats=&prod_lvl1=&prod_lvl2=&prod_lvl3=&cat_lvl1=&cat_lvl2=&cat_lvl3=&p_hidden_prods=&p_search_text=&p_new_search=&p_accessibility=0&p_page=&p_lva=14628&nextlink=) but nothing is improved.
  8. after kicked from the room, the message shown is : punk buster
  9. actually i have reinstalled the game for 3times already. after installation, i updated the PB and also the 1.50version. however, the problem does not disappear! o my god! i have just bought the delux edition and tried the new ACC. same problem exists T_T i dun even know what rules i violate.
  10. thz for the advice : ] i am trying to update the game to the lastest version!
  11. hi. recently i have installed BF2142 and upgraded it to the latest version. however, i was banned by the punkbuster with no reason and i never use cheat or hack ! i played 2142 one year ago and stopped in 2008. when i again login the game, i was banned. can anyone tell me how to solve the problem? it said that [PPB Hub] Enforced ban for BIKC (206e3ab09c9b0776230be5a78a02f1f0) (please refer to my attached picture)
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