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  1. Good to see everyone has it sorted :D
  2. I've fixed it for me, a program called wbload.exe, which is Windows Blinds for the Stardock tool, Task Manager wasn't finding it, EndItAll did. Thanks for the help people and I hope that helps. Hey to McBain too :lol:
  3. Don't have any of those programs and a spyware search didnt fix things.. What does this error actually refer too?
  4. Yeah I did, still happened, thanks for the idea though. Reinstalling PB didn't seem to help either :angry: This only on jaymod it seems, not etpro at all now
  5. Yeah I'm getting this error too, XP 32-bit, doesn't seem to happen on etpro but does for jaymod. Never had this before and it started at abou 21:30 (GMT) last night. Have update my graphics drivers (9800 GTX) but still getting this error. Any ideas?
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