ok ... Windowsblinds has a conflict with PB...
Unloaded WB and i am now able to play ET.
Thx for much help ! totally appreciated !
WIll also make a note to Evenbalance too
oh my !! removing windowsblinds worked for u ? o_O!!! sheeeeeeit !
ya the fog thingy, is it supposed to be disabled i mean i was not sure if this was affecting me being kicked like a football from ET zzz
I unload WB first to see what happens LOL = I PAID FOR MY WB !!!!
...computer running at 100% CPU ! = every single scan is running -.-
Using symantec W32.Welchia.worm removal tool as i all of a sudden dlllhost.exe appeared in task manager so checking to make sure its MS or virus..
NV FOG DISABLED ?????????? anyone ?
clean system!!!
no joy !! i rolled back to IE7 and still the problem exists.
I have had a look at the console, and noticed there is a problem with shaders not loading ??
affff, well i just got the same reply from evenbalance....
but also looking at the comment from Renamon in regards to windows blinds, i use this program, does that mean i have to kill WB ? T_T, ill check out Enditall too... T_T
update installed ad aware. did a smart scan and picked up a dangerous dialer o_O ?
Now running full scan.
funny cause i have kapersky full on system and no mention of that
jesus christ this thread is god sent ! lol, i been searching for anyone with same probrlem for like 3 days. I am also having this same problem as the topic poster, and also waiting for a reply from evenbalance too.
Ill carry out the search and spyware scan etc as noted in the meantime.