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Everything posted by -IBR-Gen.Venttura

  2. Quite the contrary guy friend, my anger is due to bans removed by the use of MACRO that can be considered the same as hacker ..
  3. The issue involving GAMEHACK 89246 and 89296 is still hazy. It is unknown if such violations occur when there is the simple use of AHK or if violations are recognized when the CP-specific scripts. Explain why: some AHK scripts used to cheat in BF3 are complilados. Exe. If GAMEHACK 89246 and 89296 were probes specific for these scripts. Exe used to cheat in BF3 and not just the software AHK so generic, then rape would be valid and correct. The decision to withdraw the bans PBBans is compressible, but perhaps premature. GGC said he could not play kicks for GAMEHACK 89246 and 89296 as the staff goes around claiming that it would be only the presence of AHK.
  4. I wonder what the reason for the withdrawal of the ban of players that were using the macro as a resource to gather the withdrawal of weapons, set examples as Eu me pergunto qual a razão para a retirada dos banimentos de jogadores que estavam usando a macro como um recurso para diminuir o recolho das armas, definido como exemplos Player Date Even Balance Violation Type Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 89246 streaming Source Server Desc = BiG = Brothers in Gaming Battlefield 3 Server I hope to meet the vision of PBBANS about it now, should leave as the GGC did banish all the same .... Espero atender a visão do PBBANS agora quanto a isso , deveriam deixar como o GGC fez banir todos mesmo .... http://www.ggc-stream.com/news/133#comments
  5. Total neglect and shameful, players being banned and then unbanned by MACROs, GGC remained bans and congratulations to them, until it seems that the PBBANS is helping the guys should keep the bans
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