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Everything posted by ghostwhiper

  1. the player is already banned on our server. the screenshots have been sent to punksbusted so he's banned through them but i hoped pbbans would add him to the mbi. is there an other way to warn server admins for this player? greetings =EDW= Ghostwhiper
  2. 1ste welcome back glad you pushed through and still fight against hackers. when you where moving the servers there was a cheater on our server and the pbscreens where positive. after a couple of days the site was up again and i wanted the cheater banned so i uploaded the screenshots. today i got this message: The following PBSS was not added to the MBI GUID: ************************** Alias: ******************* Game: BattleField 2 Your Comment: after someone used a commanderhack i took pbss and this one was the only positive one in the server. this was 2 days ago when your site and the streaming was offline. Reason for Removal: no stream = no logs = no ban. but the problem was that all your servers where on transport to NYC so its obvious the streaming didn't work. how can i get this cheater banned? ive got the screenshots and the pb log if you need them. greetings =EDW= Ghostwhiper
  3. Thanks for all the help. I've got everything sorted now and the server streaming is awaiting admin approval there's only one thing i cant open the link to the topic you mentioned. It says I'm not a streaming admin. Greetings, Johan van der Zee =EDW= ghostwhiper Serveradmin.
  4. Thanks for the quick reply. I will sort everything out asap and let =EDW= necronnelezzz confirm it. greetings, Johan van der Zee =EDW= ghostwhiper Serveradmin.
  5. Hello, I want to setup streaming to our new server but when i apply i get the error that the clan tag is in use. the problem is that streaming to our old servers is done by a member that left the clan and we cant reach him. The reason that we have a new server is that gamservers.net stop there service so we needed to find a replacement server. what is the best solution to this problem? greetings, Johan van der Zee =EDW= ghostwhiper Serveradmin.
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