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  1. yeah, i got it figured out, and sorry for the attitude, i just quit smoking 3 days ago, and i was a jerk before i quit, so now my wife says im really a jerk :P anyways, thanx for the help getting it going.
  2. i will try one mnore time, however, i dont have the time to repeatedly try and fail and the nonimportant stuff. however thanks, for the guides, i will review them, and do my best.
  3. see what i mean, first, my clan members should have nothing to do with my server, what if i ran a server, and had no clan, and just wanted it to be cheater free? is that not a possibility? You guys should follow after punkbusted.com, they make it tuff, but still not nearly as tuff as you guys are making it.
  4. and than I resubmitted with the correst url, which was www.renegadesteam.com. and was denied again, saying: "I cannot access your team roster without registration. Please make your roster public and then make a full re-application." if you need to see my team rooster, than you can view it on my twl page, which is: http://www.teamwarfare.com/viewteam.asp?team=%2AR%2Aenegades or our xfire clan page which is: http://www.xfire.com/clans/teamrenegadeprosonly/roster/ Im fine with puttin in the work to get this going, but to have to start over each time, only to come to some new problem each time, is pointless, just let me know all the info you need the first time, so we can get it going and move on with our day. thank you
  5. I keep trying to put in an application and keep getting denied over what? and than you guys lock the thread so i cant even get it figured it out. You want people to use your service, perhaps making it a little easier would help.
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