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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. If the server isnt streaming u get a KicK...If it Is Streaming U get a BAN tahts wat the PBadmin told me http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=86889
  2. \m/_ :) _\m/
  3. So an admin said that he took someones Screenshot but it came out blank.... Wat does a blank Screenshot indicate Using Windows7=does that give that problem???
  4. even if his guid was leaked how and why did the guy frm america choose to use nick TImeshit...and that too exactly like the one ive posted above=/
  5. If some1 uses an aimbot..he shud be banned rite?...nt just a kick=/
  6. ok....so i checked...i can find all the guids that dont hav an alphabet in them=/ as in if the 8 digit is all numbers i can find it...but when it has a letter i cant _____ plus...me and him play on the same server....and ive never really played on anyother server...so why am i there and nt him _________ i am extremely thankfull fr ur help man:D...thnx
  7. U want me to give u TIme-Ts GUID?....his latest one??..or the one that got banned???...cuz i cant stand this...gametracker shows that only 1 guy plays wid this nick all over the world...then how and why does his IP show America???
  8. Anonymou


    When AON bans a person...that person isnt banned in all other servers?? cuz a frnd was banned and he still uses the same cdkey fr other servers:S
  9. GUID are nt showing...i hav a screenshot to proove that this is their GuiD and yet NO result frm search in pB..pls exlpaim guid are 63681a92 I can post the pic as well..pls tell wy they no showup on Pbans searches that ive done...awaiting reply
  10. So this guy [MM]-Timeshift-T is on the PBBAns List...anyways...thing is...he claims that thats nt him...cuz he plays frm Pakistan and the one caught on PBBAns is frm America=/.(we all just thought he bought a new game(cuz his old guid got banned...anyways...we sadly didnt keep tabs on his Guid thus we dont know whether that was him or nt..HOwEver I searched [MM] TimeShift-T in www.gametracker.com ands in thats In that ther is No MM-TimeShift T playin frm America or one who ever has....thers just the Pakistani one=/ Plus how hard is it to get some1 frm another country to be named just like that...exactly!!!...plus other member frm this MM haker team also hack big time...MM-smoke is another member who has hacked and is banned....and someother peeps as well SO is it be possible fr pepl to change ips...or that PBBans make mistake...or that ive noticed sometimes ppl hav unkown written next to their Ip??? My eng is a bit wrong excuse
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