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Everything posted by =PC=

  1. yes that is what I was inquiring about,,and darn it,. I was hoping to make it go away, oh well. C'est la vie. thnx.
  2. mkay, figured I would post this here. seeing that it isn't a PBbans kinda thing. if I am incorrect in placing it here, feel free to move it to the appropriate area. thnx. now thats said, here is my question,. when your ingame and you start typing a message, that annoying little icon pops up, I have tried to find anything that makes that annoying thing go away, to no avail. so does this mean that it cannot be gotten rid of in game, or is there a program/setting/whatever to disable the light bulb chatty thingy? also. 2. is there a setting to force team balance immediatly? I do have it set to 1 on the config setting, however it takes to da%& long for it to implement. again a Mod/setting or what? thnx for any info. in advance.
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