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Everything posted by ndgreg

  1. I'm looking for a PBBans banner to add to our website. Our website manager says it needs to be in BB code. Is there any available? Thanks guys for the great job. not sure if any logs are being made, (cause Im a noob), but pbbans is finding 12-20 hacks every day.
  2. That is the current server we are streaming. We have another for COD4 We would like to get it streaming too. I have no idea why Lycan would be the only 1 listed, i made the 1st account myself, and I am the server admin. When I go to the account page, it tells me access denied, but if I click the application page, then go to the 2nd page, it gives me the account page. But i can't add the 2nd server. Any help would be deeply appricated. Thanx\ Other team members are Deadeyez, Brat_Killer, and Smokiedude. If I could get them added to the team roster along with myself, That would be nice too.
  3. I was able to get pbbans to stream my 2nd server, however, when I try to add it to my account (as stated after streaming is started using RCon), I get clan and tag are already in use. Both are the same clan/tag. One is for COD Waw and the other is for COD4.
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