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    Battle Stations
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  1. k, thanks guys. Looks like the answer might be to recruit some deputys Cheers tribz
  2. I was hoping there was some way of catching them automatically. I dont play every day so rely on the game voting for other people to vote kick them off. What I noticed is that they also tie up the voting system by automatically calling votes for map changes and kicks of other random players so no one else can call a vote. Cheers tribz
  3. Hello gents, over the last few days I've noticed I've been getting some aim-botters on my COD-WAW server. Upon spectating them, they show the usual characteristics, sudden aim moves and every aim change is a kill, even through objects and massive scores compared to usual good players. I've checked that I'm streaming ok and also that the CVAR & MD5 are up to date and all seems fine. What would you recommend I could do to stop them? Thanks, tribz
  4. k, I've added a forum post re roster with members in it (just me looking billy no mates!) :lol: If I need to do anything else, please let me know. Cheers tribz
  5. Just to confirm we are streaming and ok with PB now. coNNo my server host installed punkpuster via RDP on the server and that cracked it. Let me know what I need to re roster and I'll sort it. Thanks everyone for your help. Cheers tribz
  6. Ah, i see what you mean. Its not a clan server. Theres just me that runs and pays for it. What do I need to display on the website to reflect that. Cheers tribz
  7. Hi Lucky_Fr4gg3r, It was kicking with the message "This PB server requires (a1409 C2.193) - error loading pbcl." Conno, my host admin re-installed the server and it was fine. I then ran the jave setup tool which completed with no errors ... yay! :) I then added my pbsvmsg.cfg file and added it to the end of the pbsv.cfg file. Up to this point its been streaming ok but after this point we start get kicked with the above messages. Noted re website. I know its a bit quiet on there. I'm trying to drive players to the forums but even after 15000 players, only about 4 have bother introducing themselves :rolleyes: Thanks, tribz
  8. I had another go at updating PB via rcon and it seems to be streaming ok now! edit: PB is kicking us for fun now so have asked host to wipe and reload our server.
  9. Pretty sure about the Punkbuster. My host just emailed back to say they've re-installed it and I've just restarted the server. Screenshow below of the java hub app Appreciate the help :)
  10. Hi, Re-installed PB but now getting Server replied: erver: Corrupt or Mismatched PB Server Files (FE3A) from java hub setup tool
  11. Thanks, I'll try a manual re-install. tribz
  12. Thanks for the reply, My server.cfg file has .. seta sv_punkbuster 1 wait pb_sv_enable .. at the start of the cfg file. Last time I know it was streaming was the 28th of June but not sure when it stopped. Thanks, tribz
  13. Hi there, I've just noticed our server ( stopped streaming a few days ago. I've reactivated it in the control panel but its still pink / not streaming. To try and fix, I've ... Updated server punkpuster via hosting control panel. Ran the pb_sv_update as per here Tried the java automated hub setup but I get this error ... Q3 Remote Console Driver: Server is not responding ... but the server is up and I've restarted the game a few times. This is my pbsv.cfg settings ... ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 90 pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate 16 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_load pbsvmsg.cfg Any advice on where its going wrong much appreciated. Thanks, tribz
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