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About Krome7

  • Birthday 06/11/1960

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    amsterdam, Ohio

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Angels of Death
  • Tag
  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Battlefield 2
  • Website
  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

Contact Methods

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Krome7's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Wow, I really missed you guys big time. I use the site so it didnt take long for me to find out there was trouble. Thanks for coming back.
  2. Thanks for all your help guys . I found the forum options I need. They were right under my nose. I will reapply and try again . Thanks
  3. Now when you guys say, You want to see our forums, Does that mean, our site front page? and where there are options to see our members list? There are all kinds of options there for seeing how active we are. Now, our actual forums where we talk about everything you have to be logged in with an approved account. Just like you guys. If the forums are open to anybody you get all manner of rif raf in there typing all manner of filth. Any idiot can come in and muck up our site. I can unlock our front page and you can see a lot. But nobody leaves the front door to there house unlocked anymore.
  4. When I change the controls on our site, You don't have to log in, but to see the forums you must be logged in. You can see a lot though, members list and a bunch of other things. I have no way to set and option so the public could see our forums. It must be something with spruz. The only thing I could do is give you my site loggin, then you can see everything you need to.
  5. Yes thats it. but we cant seem to get in touch with Rogue. Hes the one whos been helping us, and got us streaming the first time
  6. Im a admin in the clan Angels of Death. I own our server. We used to stream with you guys before our server provider changed the network. My wifes account name was nightwing, she was learning all about this stuff. Now her account is suspended after the ip change. We want to stream again. I tried to apply myself. But ppbans wont accept it cause you dont have access to out site and forums because its not open to the pulic as far as with out logging in just like this site. We were good enough before the ip change to stream. I would like to know how to get my wifes account reinstated. She was much more interested in doing this stuff and dealing with hackers than me. Im 48 yrs old and I have a real job. We are providing a server for our clan, through a server provider, so the kids in our clan can have a safe place to play. Please help me figure this out
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