Hello Everyone!
The {ATF} Gaming Community has searched for many days trying to find a quality BFBC2 xfire skin for our community enjoy. So far the search has come up empty, but that is ok! {ATF}Cottton from Germany has taken it upon himself to design and develop the first BC2 xfire skin! Cottton has done a great job on this skin making it feel extremely similar to the in-game User Interface. You can find the where to download the skin below. Please read the "read_me_first.txt" to find out how to install this skin. Also you can report bugs and features by visit our forums: Xfire Skin Updates/Bugs Forum
Bad Company 2 Xfire Skin Features
- Familiar style with inspiration drawn straight from EA/Dice BC2 interface.
- Large and easy to read text for buddy list.
- Updates button to get the latest backgrounds/colors.
- 8 background themes to choose from! (Including a newly updated alternative sized theme for small resolutions!)
- Sound pack straight out of the BC2 game.
Bad Company 2 Xfire Skin Future Updates
- More backgrounds.
- More resized themes.
- More sounds in sound pack.
- FPS in-game add on
- Better in-game chat features.
Download BFBC2 Xfire Skin Here