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    Killer B
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Ok, I have my server up and running...just going for a 16 slot public ranked server for now until I have more experience as an admin. I also have my site up and running and have added 20 something of our clan, our clan roster, forums, and gametracker server banners. Do you think I am ready to apply? I ask because as of yet the forum is empty and although the site and server are public no one ( apart from clan members ) are using them. Does that matter? I will be adding more to the site over the next few weeks and will get some non-clan buddies to sign up to the site and start using the server, though. One other question...If I apply and get rejected, is that held against me next time I apply or do you go strictly on requirements? Thanks, Paul
  2. Thanks for replies! Yes I'll be hosting site and server from my own dedicated server which is in a data center. Thanks again!
  3. If I create a non-public site and server can I still apply for a PBBans admin account for it? When I say non-public, I mean it would only be for invited players, although I will not be the only one inviting them and because of this I would still like as much help as possible to run a clean server. Thanks.
  4. Ok, thank you.
  5. I don't recall asking that at all. I simply asked if there is a way other than through the site MPi to get player info. The tool would be useful to our clan for a number of reasons...non-global bans, allowed access by probationary admins. I think I will ask on other forums where people are not so brusk to new members!
  6. Hey guys! Looking for some help here for a tool I am writing for our clan. What the tool will do is this: > every 10mins ( or so ) the tool will run and get a list of players on our servers > those players will be filtered through a list to remove the known players ( good guys, admins, etc ) > the remaining players will then have their names passed to PBBans to get their info *** > any player found to be known hackers/violators with have their data downloaded > once the above has finished, our admins are then sent an instant message ( YIM/GTalk/MSN ) stating that we have known violators on our servers and where they are. Our admins can then take steps as they feel necessary. The *** is where I need help. I don't want to have to request the data via a standard HTTP call for 30 players, for instance, so is there a way for me to get the data for a player via something a little faster than HTTP? If I have to I will use cURL and cache the data for clean players once per day or so. Any help is greatly appreciated. //erlin!
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