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    Battlefield Supreme
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  1. Crap... That is *not* the answer I wanted to hear! <G>
  2. OK... I know that Fraps and any other video that can be edited, will not be accepted by PB Bans as evidence of hacking. This kind of evidence *is* very valuable however when we, the admins, consider banning someone locally if it is from a reputable source. That being said, I read somewhere (and can't remember or find it for the life of me now...) instructions on how to spectate a player on BF2. Specifically, how to automatically follow a specific player. I know how to "free camera," and I know that if I hit the space bar, I will automatically follow a single player. What I don't know is how to follow a specific player rather than the one the game attaches me to automatically. Anyone know? Many thanks in advance.
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