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wickysnip-NNB last won the day on August 21 2013

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About wickysnip-NNB

  • Birthday 02/02/1972

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  1. TITANFALL: EXPEDITION – SWAMPLAND In summer of 2011 Titanfall was embryonic; Pilots could spam explosions with a trigger pull, Titans spawned and respawned and fire teams roamed the maps getting trampled on. In the midst of this, a multiplayer map was born out of the simple message "Make an MP level in a swamp". After years of twists and turns and false starts, DLC ended up being the perfect time to revisit “Swampland”. http://www.titanfall.com/news/titanfall-expedition-swampland?sf25955939=1
  2. Rumor: 2014's Call of Duty game is called Patriots, set during World War 1, and coming to Xbox One/PS4/PC [uPDATE] Loads of rumored details about this year's entry in Activision's blockbuster shooter series emerge today from multiple reports; official announcement expected for next month. Games Reviews News Videos Community GameSpot News Rumor: 2014's Call of Duty game is called Patriots, set during World War 1, and coming to Xbox One/PS4/PC [uPDATE] Loads of rumored details about this year's entry in Activision's blockbuster shooter series emerge today from multiple reports; official announcement expected for next month. eddienoteddy by Eddie Makuch on April 30, 2014 136 Comments 346 Tweets +1 [uPDATE] Another publication, Bubble News, claims to have lots more details about this year's Call of Duty game. A source has told the site that the game is called Call of Duty: Patriots and Smith Black is actually the name of one of its main characters. It is reportedly in development for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC only, not Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or Wii U. As for its setting, Bubble News has learned that Call of Duty: Patriots will be set during a fictional version of World War 1, and the game will reportedly have a "fantasy" element. One example provided is that one of the main characters is actually from a past Call of Duty title, but in an alternate reality. The site goes on to claim that Call of Duty: Patriots has both single- and multiplayer modes, and that the single-player mode is playable via online co-op. Splitscreen won't be offered, according to the report. Finally, the main campaign is expected to last six hours, the site says. However, it's rumored that there will be two sub-campaigns. In addition, developer Sledgehammer Games is planning Call of Duty: Patriots to be a three-part series, according to the report. Lastly, Call of Duty: Patriots is rumored to launch November 14. None of the above information is confirmed, so until we hear directly from Activision, you should take these details with a grain of salt. The original story is below. A new report from MP1ST claims that 2014's Call of Duty game--developed by Sledgehammer Games--is codenamed "Blacksmith," and will be officially announced sometime in May. MP1ST did not say where its information comes from. This is not the first time we've heard the "Blacksmith" codename for this year's Call of Duty game. YouTuber Drift0r claims he saw the new game earlier this year and that it was referred to as "Call of Duty: Blacksmith." We have reached out to representatives for Activision and developer Sledgehammer Games for comment, but have not heard back as of press time. Sledgehammer Games co-developed 2011's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with Infinity Ward. The first image of this year's Call of Duty game emerged last week, but it doesn't show much. If Activision does formally announced this year's Call of Duty game in May, it won't be much of a surprise. Historically, Activision announces new Call of Duty games in May in the lead-up to their eventual release often in November of the same year. 2014's Call of Duty title is rumored to be a future-set Modern Warfare 4, but of course this is not confirmed. Earlier this year, Sledgehammer Games cofounder Glen Schofield said the game is the "most ambitious, most creative game we've ever made." Meanwhile, Activision Blizzard CEO Robert Kotick previously described 2014's Call of Duty title as "perhaps the best Call of Duty game ever created." http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rumor-2014-s-call-of-duty-game-is-called-patriots-set-during-world-war-1-and-coming-to-xbox-one-ps4-pc-update/1100-6419317/
  3. Welcome to GAMERS COMMUNITY Network, home of a social gaming group Our community simply aims to provide a reliable, consistent and stable platform for adult PC gamers. Our primary focus is on maintaining our social network of gamers, encouraging and supporting them to play online together. We are not a clan anyone can join we are a community http://bf3seeding.enjin.com/ we a free ts server to use aswell hi im trying something for 2014 i started a COMMUNITY clan and gamers Recruitment post gaming vids and game info clans can Recruitment on their to thanks
  4. http://www.titanfall.com/news/balance-update-and-bug-fixes
  5. According to EA's Origin, the Second Assault DLC will launch on February 18th.
  6. yea think 31st is when game come's out of beta to
  7. Just a heads up to let y'all know that the word on the grapevine is that Screenshots are on their way. I dont have an exact date yet, but if I find out before you do Ill let you know.
  8. i played it lots of lag
  9. hello
  10. yea and i bet it be gameserver get it their server crash all the time
  11. yea think the server going be like black opp2 are
  12. Call of Duty: Ghosts “will be all dedicated servers”, will enable stealthier updates Admittedly this isn’t quite as big a story as it is for console types, but it’s still reassuring to hear that Call of Duty: Ghosts will once again feature dedicated servers, which returned to the series with Modern Warfare 3, after dropping them for the warry war game’s second Modern installment. “One thing I can say is we’re also doing dedicated servers on PC,” Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin told NowGamer, “so PC will be all dedicated servers, all of it. I don’t have details on how dedicated servers are going to work on PC, partly because we’re still in development and still working on all those features,” – but hey, good news is good news. “Basically the overall reasoning behind it all is we’re always updating the games, even whether the community knows it or not,” Rubin explains in the interview, which might be a neat way to avoid the hideous reactions that more visible CoD patches have often invoked in the past. “We’re making changes that they don’t know about because we want to see the changes happen without [affecting] peoples sort of free perceptions on what they think has happened, so sometimes we stealth in changes to design and see how they react.” Obviously dedicated servers are useful in keeping multiplayer-focused games ticking over too, with Rubin stating that “dedicated servers is definitely one of those things that we think will help. It’s not the silver bullet, but I think it’s something that keeps in our philosophy of always trying to make the game experience better.” That and remote control dogs, obviously. (Via PCGamesN.) Head here for our complete Gamescom coverage, as dedicatedly served up by our international team. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/08/22/call-of-duty-ghosts-will-be-all-dedicated-servers-will-enable-stealthier-updates/
  13. Must not be smug. Must not be smug. Must not be smug. *Ahem*, Oh, what’s this? A new entry in the folder marked ‘speculative word-noises on the power of upcoming platforms’. These are always fun. Remember the time EA’s CTO said that console architecture would be “a generation ahead of the highest end PC on the market”? Or when the next Need for Speed promised to look “easily as good on PC” as the next-gen? Or even the time AMD spent hours blowing raspberries at Nvidia? Classic stuff. Now Infinity Ward are talking about the difference between their PC and next-gen console versions. But this time, they’ve provided a reason for why our machines will run their game better than on living room counterparts. “PC is taking a different tack from previous games [in the series,]” executive producer Mark Rubin told Kotaku. Where older Infinity Ward CoDs shared assets between PC and console, this time around, things will be different. Now, PC has its own set of assets,” Rubin says. “It’s going to look better than any Call of Duty we’ve ever made on PC.” And the PC won’t just have an asset advantage over the current consoles. “They’re actually using an even higher version in many cases than the next-gen consoles, from a texture standpoint,” Rubin says. Shiny graphics is where the differences end, though. Rubin expects all versions of the game will have feature parity. So while we will see the best version of Ghosts, only our eyes will notice the difference. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/08/19/call-of-duty-ghosts-pc-version-will-be-better-than-next-gen-consoles-say-infinity-ward/
  14. i use gameserver. com for black opps and ts get my dedi box from http://billing.gameplayservers.com/aff.php?aff=005 server from gameplayserver feel free to test it out http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
  15. i think i getting cod ghost
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