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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Ok cool. Ill get that taken care of tonight then. EDIT- Real quick how do I view MD5 bans and such for hack tools that get into the server. I have it setup to announce new bans. Is that logged some where? How do I view those?
  2. I understand that, but what if my IP changes between now and when I start playing due to the IP lease time. Will it still get validated?
  3. Alright thanks will do later tonight. BTW my ISP uses dynamic IP addresses. Will that affect weather or not the GUID gets approved? Or do I just have to post back later after I play a round and hope like hell the IP's are the same as the one I play under?
  4. Weird. I only play BF2 and I have to reinstall. Ill be on later tonight I suppose. I did pull it from the Branzone control panel though with all the server logs and such.
  5. I think I found it in the server logs. Im currently having shader problems with BF2. But its entered.
  6. Ok sweet. Where do I find my GUID?
  7. Thanks alot to the staff. I just updated the MD5/CVAR. I have to configure the flags, but other than that Im all set. EDIT- I just noticed it doesnt have an option to enable CVAR bans? Does BF2 not have CVAR?
  8. Ok I ran the hub setup before I got a response here. I saw that something changed in a sticky topic and just wanted to be safe. I have added the server to the server list. Thanks for the help. How long before it gets approved? Also what flags would provide optimum protection without lagging the server out when its full at 64 players?
  9. Excellent. Does that mean streaming will commence now? Or do I have to enable it somehow?
  10. I am the NUNYA! clan founder. I have recently had an issue with a member that was accused of hacking. He was put on the MPi. He has since resigned from the clan to help us out and has made a public resignation. He has also been removed from the members list and rooster: Public Resignation Link Player Rooster Link I tried to re-apply for streaming, but it says Im already tied to his banned account. The account is: #7899 and gives this error: Can I get removed from that account so that I can apply for streaming again?
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