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  1. Well thats good news! Do you know why it would be blacklisted when I try to get it streaming?
  2. hey contacted gameservers and the support said that "they dont run cracked servers" and asked me to clarify..... my server IP is:; password kickass... was wondering if u could maybe check it out and let me know whats wrong and I'll get it fixed
  3. Hey thanks for the reply but I must have mispelled it in my post if u check the screen shot its cod4master.activision.com but yea I will contact gameservers and see if they can find anything wrong with it...
  4. Hey, I just got info for our clans gameserver account. I was setting up one of our servers from gameservers.com and I got the notice that our server is apparently cracked... So I was hoping to use this server for Pam4 Comp but I am not %100 percent about removing "cracked binaries". Was just hoping you guys may be able to help me get it fixed? (how do I remove cracked binaries?) I did the /pb_cvarval authservername and did get cod4.master.activision.com , I tried uploading screenshot of it but file was to large. can supply it on request... Or is there a way to crack a server and still have cod4.master.activision.com?
  5. Hey, One of our servers has been black listed but one seems ok. the problem is the bad server was the one we were intending on using for Competition. I was reading the posts up top there and lol I dont even know what "cracked" means lol. So Was just wondering how to go about getting this fixed... (How to remove Cracked binaries?)
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