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Everything posted by HOTHEAD

  1. Sooo I have been tkaing some heat from these spoofers Sad for me is that most server admins are better at 2142 (I know it's a stretch but whatever)than knowing anything about pbbans My last ban just made me throw up I ask these guys how this ban has anything to do with me http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-8a02f1f0-vb107931.html They said because my name is on there Then they laugh at how stoopit I could be I think otherwise If you search my name o_HOTHEAD_o this ban doesn't show up anywhere Only when you type in my IP OBVIOUS SPOOF Anyway I can clean this up I tried earlier went to evenbalance they sent me to ea support The idiots over there sent me to evenbalnce Can someone here just explain some things so I can direct them here Thanks Pr0wPheT
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