I tell you, sometimes I go play at a local cybercafe, and I use my AgentRevolution BF2 account to play BF2 at the cybercafe. I wasn't namehacked or namespoofed. The AgentRevolution you see on the list was me, but I got added there just because I tried to play BF2 with a banned GUID, though I am not the one that triggered those bans.
This means that PBBans links anyone trying to play with a banned GUID to this GUID, even if it is not the name triggerer.
The fact that we can see arround 7 different countries on the 2 banned GUIDs' players lists can be explained by 2 things: a friend works at this cybercafe, and he told me they often use private proxies in orders to clear IP bans frequently. The other theory could be that someone was able to get their CD keys and leaked them. (about that point, some time ago, about 30 of their Steam accounts (at the time they didn't had Valve Cybercafe) mysteriously disappeared one time, so that's kinda frequent...)
The similarity with IPs is normal, I am using the most popular ISP of my province/state. Most of their IPs start with numbers arround 24, 66, 75, and 96.
Anyway I wrote a long message to the clan leader, it says he read it (about 15 hours ago, maybe), but he didn't replied. That must be because he doesn't want to get in trouble (he THINKS that he can get in trouble with PBBans streaming "because they would have a wrongful guy", when the clan has hundred of members), just because of another unknown recruit guy (that is me).
The clan's Security dept. told me before they kicked me that they could lose PBBans streaming (for my case, I don't believe that) and then that hundreds of millions of hackers and aimbotters could come in their server. (Remove the "hundreds of millions" and it gives out what they exactly said to me)
Now from all those explanations and facts, I can tell 2 things:
- The MIA clan kicks are based off a sometimes misunderstood research of PBBans players' file
- The fact that PBBans records and logs people using banned GUIDs even if the ban was triggered a long time ago is not a very good idea, because from my point of view I think it can be an erronous source for determining if a player is an hacker.
If we search my Alias in the Master Ban index, it returns nothing, and that's from this that MIA should base it's clan kicks more than the Master Player index.
I don't really care about wheither the ban is valid or not, though I'm sure it is valid, I'd just whish that my name could be removed from those GUID's Alias list, because I am, with all the evidence I provided, not the guy that triggered this ban.