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Everything posted by Bill-

  1. Hi yet again guys... Didn't work so I ended up buying a new copy of the game... Can't really go wrong with
  2. I'll do that in a bit & report back ... Evan Almighty's on the tele & I need some food! :) Cheers, B
  3. Yeah, my brother bought the game from Gamestation as a pre-owned way back when but we definitely used the CDKey in his case and his actually works... This is the main reason I'm wanting to play the game again as he found that Forgotten Hope 2 MOD and we both really like WW2... blah blah blah. Any way, I'll reinstall again -- now that I have the patches it shouldn't take too long -- double checking the o's and 0's and triple checking the whole thing. Just a thought, is it worth it to try installing just BF2 (no expansion) to see if that works? I still don't quite understand where the GUID comes into it; does each CDKey have one? Thus could it be that only one of my CDKeys (BF2/Spec Forces) is banned? B
  4. I mean I'd supply a pici to EvenBalance (with some of the key blacked out) or EA or whatever but yeah... I wouldn't post one on a public forum at least, I'm not that thick ;) ... I'm just bloody annoyed at this... :( I've updated my EvenBalance ticket reflecting what's happened in this thread so I guess I just wait to see what they say :( B
  5. Weird... I'm just typing what's on the back of my manuals... Well, the player name that was linked earlier in the thread is definitely me (the one with the .:BIA:. clan tag). But, thinking about it, I didn't use that in BF2, only BF2142... Could that be confusing the issue somehow? When I first installed 2142, I linked my BF2 character to my newly created 2142 so I got that little '2' tag on my name and started at a higher rank... Also, I have both BF2 and the Special Force games installed, would each CDKey somehow interfere? I can supply a pici of both my manuals if needs be :o B EDIT: Haven't had the game installed since I started this thread... Would explain why it's been used today (6th Feb)
  6. Germans! :o Well, that sucks my bawlz a whole lot... How the hell would this german have got hold of it? I've had no Germans round my house!!! ...Just cause we won the war... It's a conspiracy, I tellz ya! Don't suppose appealing the ban would do anything? Especially after nearly 3 years... Thanks for looking that up :(
  7. Thanks for the reply, mate... And ahh, I think I may have missed out a number in my OP :o The kick message shows 9d80518c as the GUID now... And pb_mygui & pb_list still don't work :( B
  8. Hi guys, long time... Sorry to resurrect this thread again... But I've finally got around to reinstalling the whole game and re-downloaded the patches from the EA site and it's still staying that there's a global ban on my ID. Definitely put the correct CDkeys in; checked, double chcked & triple checked! If anyone looks at my particular PB account/cdkey/whatever (still don't understand this), you'll probably see a completely different IP as I've changed ISPs... Either way, is there anything that can be done? Cheers B :( EDIT: I'm currently waiting to hear back from the EvenBalance chaps to see what they can/are willing to do...
  9. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but here's an update! Haven't been able to do anything because since I bought a cheap replacement HD 4870, my CPU died! LOL... Well, I shouldn't lol because it was an Intel Quad Extreme... ouch, expensivo. I'm now waiting for pricing to fall on various i7 bits and bobs... Sorry about this chaps :( B
  10. Hah, yeah first thing I tried/checked. The card has 1x 6pin and 1x 8pin power and when both are in the plastic around the plug sockets light up green, which they do, so it's fairly obvious when they aren't. Unfortunately, however, this doesn't mean the card works; it's just a small circuit where by the green LEDs take power directly from the power cables going in and not from the card :( Good suggestion, though - and normally the right one! Cheers, B
  11. Hi chaps, Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've reinstalled up to the Special Forces version but not v1.4 as I was going to redownload it (just in case). Unfortunately, however, my graphics card has broken... I use a Geforce 9800GX2 and recently my temperatures have been 110c in games like HL2. So, I decided to take it apart, clean the fan and reapply the TIM. Looks as though I have broken something whilst putting it back together as the fan doesn't work any more and no signal is received from my monitor. I can't really be bothered to try and fix it so am waiting for ATI's RV870 or nVidia's GT300 before I buy a new one. Even Balance have been kind enough to keep my support ticket open until I'm able to reply with an outcome; I pointed them to this thread and said that it has been suggested that I try reinstalling the game and make sure I use the correct CDkey. We shall see -- I'll update this thread, providing it's not locked for inactivity, once I've finished isntalling. Cheers again, B
  12. Load off my mind! I'll reinstall straight away. I have no idea what key I'm using right now then... Could something have become corrupted maybe? I've had a bit of Overclocking trouble the past few weeks and still haven't got it completely sorted... Could any HDD corruption caused by that change the value in the registry? B Edited because I type badly sometimes...
  13. Many thanks for checking that fozzer... Do you think an uninstall and reinstal would work -- if not, how does one change one's CDkey? I'm a bit of a noob, if you hadn't noticed! I see it says last seen July '07, does that mean that someone hasn't used my key? Thanks again, B
  14. Hi again, Lucky, Ahh that's good to know regarding the CDkey/Hash GUID thing -- I suppose I've been able to play COD WAW and other PB games without any problems so it was fairly obvious! I tried typing /pb_myguid in game but the console says it's the 'wrong syntax'. Without the / it doesn't do anything... Is there something I'm missing? B
  15. Hi Buffnuggles, In-game name is waffles_is_win. Where would I find the GUID? I've only seen 9d8518c, which was given in the ban message above. B
  16. Hi Lucky_Fr4gg3r, Yeah, definitely bought a new copy from Amazon.co.uk came in a nice new wrapper with a security seal on. And I have never cheated in any game (apart from single player Half Life 1... impulse 101 any one?). And also 100% I get that error on any PB server. Just had a thought, would this ban effect my account on COD WAW and other PB-enabled games? Cheers, B
  17. Hi SuperTaz, Tanks for the reply and good ideas, but... 1. I bought the key from Amazon.co.uk and have had no problems with them, ever. 2. My computer is virus free and pretty much always has been - I do regular OS reinstallations to keep things 'fresh' so I highly doubt it's this. I keep my anti virus right up to date as well as anti spy/adware software. 3. I got the game from Amazon.co.uk ^^ 4. No one has come over to mine to use my computer full stop. I keep my game cases in a shelve unit in the corner of my room surrounded by crap (yeah, my room is pretty messy). None of your ideas seem possible in my case :( B
  18. I think I must have missed that bit -- sorry! I was a little confused as to how someone can be using my CDkey and then have the audacity to cheat with it... Doesn't seem hopeful, judging by that then... B
  19. Thanks for the reply, mate -- Will do. B
  20. Hi people, First off, apologies if this is the wrong section and also for posting this here as I'm sure you get a lot of this kind of thread (I've opened an Even Balance support ticket as well) :( But, I've just had the following pop up on my screen: Not sure when, how or why it has happened but I'll give all the info I have... Basically, I used to play BF2 and Special Forces years ago with a few friends. I kind of gave it up as I wasn't really ranking up and, to be quite honest, got bored. However, my feelings for the game have recently been rekindled as I found a MOD called 'Forgotten Hope 2', a WW2 modification if you're not familiar with it. I was playing it single player yesterdaywith my younger brother watching and he decided he liked it so went out and bought himself a copy of the BF2 Deluxe edition (need BF2 and an expansion pack to run the MOD). To the point, however: I have just this minute, for the first time for a few years, logged into my online account and attempted to play on a Forgotten Hope 2 server. After the map loaded, I was instantly shoved back to the main menu with the above message from Punk Buster... Quite shocked, to tell the truth. I've Googled the error message and was linked here to another similar thread (but dated 2005). Had a read through and followed it to this link, http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php. That kind-of makes sense, considering I haven't played for donkey's years... But how can someone guess my CDkey? My games were purchased from Amazon.co.uk a few years back so I don't have a receipt... But I do have the two discs and manuals with CDkeys on the back. What's the best plan of action? Wait until I hear back from Even Balance or try something else -- If the latter, got any suggestions? Thanks for your time, B
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