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Everything posted by TCCLeague

  1. Tactical Clan Competition League (TCC League) would like to offer a Battlefield 4 league to our community. Before starting the planning stages we would like to evaluate team interested in joining the league. Please visit us at http://www.tccleague.com [tccleague.com] for details & to post interest. Our league admin are waiting to here from your team captain to begin the planning stages of the league. All team captains can have a say in the league format. To include gametype and server setup for matches. We are a tactical league and preferr to lean more to that side of the setup. Hardcore, Defuse or Conquest game modes, limited vehicles, ect... Stop by today and post your interest!
  2. TCC League has opened up the "Team Sign-up Phase" for the upcoming league seasons offered in COD4 and COD5. Get your team together and sign-up today! Team sign-up will remain open until June 21st. The sooner teams signs up, the sooner the staff will be able to start planning. Team captains, talk to your team members and post map ideas for the upcoming season(s) in the appropriate team captains forum post. Our staff will certainly use any feedback gather from teams when picking the upcoming seasons maps. **NOTES** - Any teams new to the community this season, please review the help section under League Info link in the menu or here: http://www.tccleague.com/modules.php?name=Content - New Team Captains, post here to request access to the team captains forums: http://www.tccleague.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=365&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=90 Teams are allowed to have ( 1 ) Team Captain and ( 2 ) Co-Captains access the team captains forums. - Any other questions you may have, please send a staff member a PM or post it up in the forums. We are here to help. Staff list can be found here: http://www.tccleague.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=staff We hope to see you all for another season! TCC League Admin Staff
  3. Glad it all worked out in the end. I may have been one that "ranted" a bit to much and could have shown a little more patience in this matter. For that I am sorry. Thank you to all those that helped find a resolution to this matter.
  4. I will check back later I guess. Servers are streaming but I still have only public access to MPI. Can the accounts be added back into the Streaming Admin group again now that servers are again streaming? Thanks,
  5. My server provider changed the IP's on my league servers. I added the new servers into my account and put in the same pbsv.cfg file in but the servers are not streaming. The old one's were. I am not sure what to do at this point to get them streaming. I am really scratching my head. Does anyone have any ideas? My servers are: COD4 28961 28962 28963 28964 COD5 28961 28962 None of them are streaming and all using the same files from the old servers that were streaming. Help :) Thanks, Ski
  6. Hmm, I did not change anything on the servers. I will go over it all again and see if I can get them streaming. Funny part is I used the same config's from my clan servers that stream to pbbans and have been all this time. Have no clue why these would not be streaming. Edit, Added the servers back into control panel and went through the setup. It said they all should be set to stream now. Edit 2, Seems they are working now. I look at the old setup and it appeared to be the same. Not sure what the problem was... but glad they are now streaming. Thanks for looking into this!
  7. Hi, I have been trying to get my four league servers streaming again and I am not sure what the problem is. I had them all setup and streaming when I 1st set them up. But now when I checked my account is says they are disconnected from the Hub. When I tried to reconnect them and get them streaming again, they said servers not streaming. I do not know what the problem is. I am using the same setup I have for all of my clan servers, and they are all streaming. So I am almost positive that the config file setup is correct.... unless something needs to be different since these are league servers. Is that the case? Please help. Thanks!
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