I allways check my admins on a regualar basis and also the majority of the clan from time to time. When members join us they are told during recruitment that we do check GUID's and take cheating of any kind very seriously and will remove any member doing so exactly the same as a public player.
The MPI has proven so valuable for that as we have caught at least 5 members or prospects in the last 6 months for various offences from Aimbot to Easyaccounts.
I state clearly on my website that my clan and members are 100% cheat free and that is how I make sure of it. Im proud of the way our servers and community is run and our pub players know that our members and admins are 100% clean.
If suspisition is raised over a member then they ARE specced in game and Screenshotted. My clan know that all senior admins within my community have the power to do this and that they DO check on a regualr basis and they are all fine about it. If they dont want to be checked out then TBH they prob have something to hide and I dont really want them running anything in my servers.
Thats the easiest way to do it, it only takes 10 mins once every 2 weeks and is a deterant in itself if you make all members aware from day 1 that you are carrying out random checks.