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Jurassic Sushi

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Everything posted by Jurassic Sushi

  1. Painkilla is no longer a member for at least one month. If he is still on the roster...i apologies for not catching that....he will be removed from everything =bib=....it is just an oversight. I am trying my Best...i really am. If there is an easier way for us to check all members more frequently and thoroughly...please feel free to tell us.
  2. Hello Everyone' The bottom line is. We just want to use a service that is dependable so we can keep cheaters/hackers from ruining the experience of having a good time playing BF2 on our servers. I think this whole situation has gotten out of control and there is a simple solution. I give you my word that we Do Not have any hackers known to us at this time in our clan. All members that were on any type of banlist or caught cheating were removed and banned from anything related to =BIB=.. We have 2 very well liked servers in which our members and registered users feel is a Fun place to come to and enjoy fun times using teamwork and respect. I apologize if we seem to be coming across harsh...i am sorry,but we just can't stand the hackers when they come onto our servers and disturb everything. We just would like to put the past behind us...do what is right for us to be in your good graces and be able to reactivate the streaming. I think if we were harboring Hackers/cheaters then there would be more than 1. I give you my word that we are a Straight up Clan and just want to have a clean fun gaming experience. Please take a deep breath and reconsider everything and accept my sincere apology for any instance of disrespect. Sincerely' Nahshon T. =BIB= Founder and Senior admin.
  3. Hello Sir' It's Nahshon aka =BIB= Founder and Senior Admin of the =Best International Brotherhood= Community and BF2 clan. Server #1 ip: Server #2 ip: http://www.bibclan.net I am just inquiring again about having our servers streamed by PBB because we are getting beat up by these damn Hacking bastards. Our account has been deactivated a while ago and I would really like to have it reinstated. Unfortunatley for us we had some members go to the dark side and break every rule that we live by and had them removed for Cheating/Hacking. So please can you review our server and tell me the necessary steps to have our servers back on the PBB streams. We didn't want to create a new account because I would think this is the better and faster way for both you and I. Thank you for your time. I am well aware you are extremely busy and do not take your services for granted. Sincerely. Nahshon Tribuzio - Founder and Senior Admin of "Best International Brotherhood= =BIB= Jurassic Sushi **Posting here because I haven't heard from you since the PM** approx 2 weeks ago.
  4. Hello' I sent you a pm in reference to having my servers pbb streaming account reinstated but you haven't answered me back. Can you please check your Private messages and read what i sent you. RodeoBob said i needed to send it to you. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule. Nahshon T.
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