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Everything posted by kris30

  1. hey i got an idea , if you dont have a solution / fix why do you post ur crappy remarks? the whole point is that every month punkbuster puts somthing out into cod4 that makes people get kick for some dum reason , then we have to hunt down the solution. i have over 15 games that use punkbuster and with the exception of cod world at war i have never had PB issues , whats the problem ?
  2. but none seems to be geting on it
  3. opened a ticket , well see how long if ever they fix it , i dont get cod4 seems to always bee this game , i wish i had kept track of all the issues ive had with this game over the years.
  4. please help me if u know what will cause this , it just started doing this today for now reason , nothing seems to work , i read a few google post that said somthing to do with steam ingame overlay , but didnt help keeps doing it anyways heres the message. punkbuster kicked player ... for 0 min for error disallowed program/driver125120 , i dont know what else to do , but i know for sure that im going to be sorry if these kind of things keep happining with cod MW2 THAT I PREORDERD. WIN XP 32 5400+ DEUL CORE 9800GT WD 500GB 225/225 LATEST NVIDIA DRIVER valid full copy of cod4 that ive had since it came out please help me !!!!
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